In the content proposal, bulk change the attributes of the IOCs.

Once your indicators are created, you can mass change their attributes.
For example, you can edit:

  • TLP
  • Source
  • Kill chain. (Indicator minimum, if more ok)
  • Date Valid from, valid until ( Indicator minimum, if more OK)
    Capture d’écran 2022-11-22 à 15.24.04.png
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Import observables in mass

When you create a contant proposal, and you can import observables as many as you need. There is no more size limit for importing observables.

Capture d’écran 2022-11-10 à 16.24.52.png

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Single Sign-On Authentication with OpenID Connect on SEKOIA.IO TIP

Some of our customers wanted to have Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication for their users. This way, users won’t have to remember yet another password to access their SEKOIA.IO Enterprise instance.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is now available in SEKOIA.IO Enterprise. You can authenticate on the platform through Office 365 or via Azure Active Directory.

This features is only available for SEKOIA.IO TIP. If you want to activate it on your TIP instance, contact us.

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Comments in Content Proposal 💬

To improve the review of a content proposal in SEKOIA.IO TIP and to support interactions between the assignee and the reviewers of a new intelligence content, a comment feature has been introduced on content proposals.

Users can comment a Content Proposal page with the button Comments. If someone replies to the comment, a notification is sent to ease and speed the collaboration.

Comments in Content Proposal.png

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Request for Intelligence 🛎️

The collaboration is at the cornerstone of SEKOIA.IO

In the field of intelligence production and more specifically on SEKOIA.IO TIP, a classical scenario leverages the collaboration between an analyst that requests an intelligence and one or more analysts that produces the intelligence.

In order to enable end-users to request a colleague analyst to create an intelligence report or take a specific action, we implemented a new functionality named “RFI” - short for Request For Intelligence.

This new feature is integrated into the Intelligence Center and it enables end users to make their requests directly through our platform instead of using an external tool like Jira.

Request For Intelligence.png

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