Investigation on the EternityTeam threat group and its malware catalog 🧑‍🔬

SEKOIA.IO analysts came across EternityTeam, a new, active and organized threat group that develops, advertises and sells several malware. During our monitoring of Dark Web cybercrime forums, we identified this threat group and its catalog of malware that includes a stealer, a ransomware, a miner, a clipper, a worm and a botnet. We published a FLINT (Flash Intelligence Report) in which you can find exclusive details on EternityTeam and the Eternity Stealer malware. Context on the threat group and its malware catalog is also available in the Intelligence Center. Feel free to pivot on the objects to get more details on the different actors and malware involved. Related Resources: * [FLINT 2022-023 - EternityTeam: a new prominent threat group on underground forums]( * [EternityTeam threat actor page]( * [EternityStealer malware page](