🚀 Unveiling 3 new integrations for enhanced email security!


We've just rolled out of beta three new integrations, and they are set to improve the way you protect your organization's email communications.

🌟 Let's meet the new email integrations that you can now connect instantly with Sekoia.io: Vade Cloud, Cisco ESA and Microsoft 365. We're all about maximizing the efficiency of your existing tools!

Here's a deeper dive into what these integrations bring to the table:

🔒 Visualize threats: With these new integrations, you can now gain unprecedented visibility into email threats. Understand the intricate relationships between messages, senders, and potential targets.

📈 Get actionable insights: Knowledge is key in the world of cybersecurity, and these integrations provide you with real-time alerts. Stay one step ahead of cyber threats by receiving timely insights that enable you to proactively defend your organization.

🤖 Automate workflows: In the battle against phishing attacks, malware, and other email-based threats, speed is of the essence. With Sekoia.io, you can automate workflows, empowering your security teams to respond swiftly and decisively.

These integrations are available right now. Boost your email security today! 💪

What do you think about this update?