Tracking new threats with SEKOIA C2 Tracker: HookBot & new SEO poisoning infrastructures typosquatting notorious software 🌐

When SEKOIA.IO analysts are coming across new or trendy threats (malware, threat groups, phishing, *etc*.), we generally try to find heuristics to track their infrastructure. This proactive hunting approach allows us to collect exclusive indicators of compromise (IoCs) on a weekly basis. In recent weeks, we have added Command & Control (C2) trackers for: * Newly supervised threats: HookBot, new SEO poisoning infrastructures typosquatting notorious software; * Already tracked threats: FakeUpdates, Magniber, Aurora, Vidar, Lumma. IoCs collected from these trackers can be found in the SEKOIA.IO Intelligence Center by filtering on the source "SEKOIA C2 Tracker". If you want to know more about the above-mentioned threats, please visit their card and their model made by the analysts! ![changelog_red0014.png](BASE/products/901462981/changelog/16413/inline-4028071e0d9b0070e8c49a12ab6e9ddb.jpg)