Enrich your alerts with AbuseIPDB

Many of you have asked for it, it is now available! ![abuseipdb.png.pagespeed.ce.CI8T6WsXU7.png](BASE/products/901462981/changelog/11768/inline-767aae98071a9830e7a12d09047b3342.jpg) This new playbook let you manually enrich your XDR alerts directly in the comments, with data from https://www.abuseipdb.com/. AbuseIPDB is a project managed by Marathon Studios Inc. They provide a crowdsourced list of malicious IPs. ![Capture d’écran 2022-07-20 à 14.23.35.png](BASE/products/901462981/changelog/11768/inline-13f096c25be7fd8b023de82d74c9a74f.jpg) As usual, this enrichment can be deployed in 3 clicks with our catalog of playbooks templates. The only thing you need is an AbuseIPDB API key, so let’s automate your alerts workflow!