Analysis of Raccoon Stealer 2.0: the come back from the dead 🦝

Raccoon Stealer was one of the most prolific information stealers until its abrupt shutdown, due to the loss of a developer of the project, during the "special operation". One month ago, a new version of the malware was released on the raccoonstealer's Telegram channel. SEKOIA.IO analysts analysed in depth this new version and published a Flash Intelligence Report (FLINT) in which you can find exclusive details on this threat. ![raccoon_stealer_dall_e_1.jpeg](BASE/products/901462981/changelog/11098/inline-e4dfc5834b2fe22d69c44db94ca22ccf.jpg) Many Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) related to this threat can be found in the the Intelligence Center in the [Raccoon malware page]( And as mentioned in the FLINT, SEKOIA.IO analysts reverse engineered the malware and will soon publish a technical analysis to share further details. Related Resource: [FLINT 2022-033 - Raccoon Stealer 2.0: the Return of the Dead](